As one of the trustworthy audio microphone brands, Maono inspired everyone to record their lives on the internet, and main to making content creation easier for everyone.
The Maono Affiliate Program is committed to working with motivated partners who want to help us put the best gaming & podcasting audio products in the hands of creators everywhere.
You will be our best partner, start join our affiliate program and sharing your affiliate link and win commissions today, everyone could be a marketer on here. Apply today to join the program.
How to Earn?
Why Join Us?
Special 10%
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How do I Earn Commisions?

Visit to apply for the affiliate program

Share an affiliate link to your social medium

Get customers to click your link and make a purchase

The order will automatically confimed

Get Your Commision
Ⅰ. Start to helping your audience to get a 10% discount on their favorite products.
Ⅱ. Earn commissions of up to 10% on the sale of Maono specific products.
Ⅲ. No fees required. Just sign up and start earning.
Ⅳ. Trustworthy Audio Brand & High Conversion Rate
Ⅴ. Enjoy different levels of commissions and freebies
Frequently Ask Question
When are commissions paid? How to pay?
We usually settle the order status of the current month before the 10th, and issue commissions on the 15th of each month.
Payment will be done via PayPal every time your commission reaches $20.
Note: Please kindly know that If your affiliate link doesn't get any visitor data for a week after your registration, we're afraid that the account will be blocked.
How are commission calculated?
Please note that we have set up different product transactions that have different commission points.
1. For Specific product conversions, you will get a higher commission of 10%.
2. For Other product conversions, you will get a 5% commission.
Are orders for returns and refunds counted?
We will issue commission payment on the 15th of each month; If a user issue a refund before the commission is settled on the 15th of the month, the order will not be counted. If it is settled after the 15th of the month, it will automatically be included.
For Example:
A customer places the order via your affiliate link on April 10th and issues a refund on April 13th (before the 15th), then the order commission will not be calculated. if he issue a refund on April 16th, the commission has already paid, then the commssion has already be calculated.
How to check my promotion performance and how much commission I can earn?
You can log in to your affiliate account to obtain relevant order and commission transaction information; you can check the details through the following tutorials
Can I get free product reviews by joining the alliance?
Please note that joining the alliance does not mean you can get free product reviews. You can get free product reviews in the following two ways:
1. We have set up an affiliate marketing user cooperation plan. You can click the following link to view the information.
2. Because we have specific requirements for product evaluation, if you have your own social media channel, you can send us an email and we will give you a specific reply after evaluation.
Where can I get product information?
You can obtain relevant product promotion information by browsing the product pages on
What are the conditions for participating in affiliate marketing and how to apply to join?
There are no fees required to join the Maono affiliate program, Just sign up and we will review your information, once confirmed, you can start earning.
But Please note that if your affiliate link does not receive any visitor data within a month of registration, I'm afraid that your account will be blocked.
What are the conditions for participating in affiliate marketing and how to apply to join?
There are no fees required to join the Maono affiliate program, Just sign up and we will review your information, once confirmed, you can start earning.
But Please note that if your affiliate link does not receive any visitor data within a month of registration, I'm afraid that your account will be blocked.
Privileges For Affiliate Level
All conversion data are subject to your affiliate account where you create. Please note that all rights of interpretation belong to Maono.
I'M INMonthly Transaction Amount≥ $2000
1. Get the any product price within $50 Maono audio products for rea review.
2. Get Opportunity to Review the latest Maono products.
3. 10% for specific products remains the same. Increase by 1% on 5% commission basis, which means 6% for other products on the website.
Monthly Transaction Amount≥ $3000
1. Get the any product price within $100 Maono audio products for rea review.
2. Get Opportunity to Review the latest Maono products.
3. 10% for specific products remains the same. Increase by 2% on 5% commission basis,which means 7% for other products on the website.
Monthly Transaction Amount≥ $5000
1. Get the any product price within $150 Maono audio products for rea review.
2. Get Opportunity to Review the latest Maono products.
3. Increase by 5% on a commission basis,which means 10% for all products on the website.
For Top Monthly Transaction Amount
The top converter of the month will receive double commission rewards every month.
Note: We will announce the user who is the top monthly transaction winner on the 15th of each month, and transfer the double reward on the 15th of the next month.
Highly Recommend Audio Products
Give priority to promoting the following product series to get up to 10% commission.
Have Any Questions?
please leave us a message if you have any question about our affiliate program. we main to build up a win-win collaboration for both of us.